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Pat Johnson, Spear Fisherman, Virginia, USA

  • 1 min read
On 9th August 04 I was freediving a wreck off the coast of Hatteras, NC and I had speared a wahoo. After the fish’s second run I began to pull my line in and noticed the fish was being eaten by a large barracuda. I was disappointed needless to say, but what happened next was amazing. Two of my dive buddies were nearby and we saw a large bull shark coming straight up off the bottom at top speed toward the speared remains of the wahoo.

When the bull got in range of the Ocean Guardian he immediately stopped, almost as if he hit a wall, and returned to the bottom as fast as he had come up for the wahoo. Awesome! If the shield stopped a charging bull shark on its way to a ‘fish on a stick’ then this product really works well.

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