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Kayak Anglers Dodge “Shark Tax” with Ocean Guardian

Ocean Guardian, the world’s only scientifically proven and independently tested electrical shark deterrent allows kayak anglers to dodge shark tax.

Big game ocean kayak fishermen are being heavily “taxed” every day losing whole fish or a chunk of their fish to the oceans ultimate tax man, the shark.

Nobody knows shark tax better than The Kayak Fishing Show host Jim Sammons who has now partnered with Ocean Guardian to stop the shark tax. Jim’s had many close calls with shark tax like the shark that tore a fish from his hands during filming for the shows in New Zealand.

“I don’t have a particular fear of sharks, but I have certainly had my share of close encounters” says Sammons, “Shark Shield will help ensure my catch remains my catch, and it will certainly give me more peace of mind while my feet are dangling in the water.”

As more and more ‘yak fishers take to the oceans, shark tax is becoming an ever increasing burden. Back in April, Hawaiian local Isaac Brumaghim had a close call with the tax man when a tiger shark jumped out of the water stealing his catch. Isaac’s video of his close encounter with the men in grey suits has had over ten million views.

“We’ve noticed a change in shark behaviour over the last few years, in that sharks are learning to approach anglers after they hook a fish, and then steal those fish for an easy feed. This is what we refer to as a shark tax”, says Amanda Wilson, Managing Director at Ocean Guardian.

“Our unique technology is a perfect fit for ocean kayak fishing, allowing ‘yak fishers to explore the ocean with peace of mind from unwanted shark encounters and avoid that pesky shark tax.”

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