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Mike Bhana

  • 2 min read


Mike Bhana | Ocean Guardian Ambassador

Mike has been producing, directing and shooting television programming for the past 28 years. While his history reflects a love of the ocean and the Pacific, Mike also focuses on charity, humanitarian, and domestic social issues including travelling with the Red Cross documenting the work of its teams in some of the most dangerous and stricken areas of the planet.

From 2009 till early 2012, Mike was one of the curators of the largest shark exhibition in the world – Planet Shark. This huge educational installation was designed to promote awareness, conservation and understanding of sharks and our oceans. Mike was one of the creators and wrote all the interpretation material, multimedia and touch screen content as well as Planet Shark’s extensive educational resource programs for schools.

In 2013, Mike produced two 3D New Zealand documentaries for Chinese Broadcasting giant’s CCTV and in 2014 produced/directed and filed the new television series Sharkman for TVNZ’s TV1. The series won “Best Documentary Series” at WorldFest International Film Festival in 2016. In late 2014/2016 Mike produced 3x natural history one-hours entitled Seven Seas for WATN-TV for Tianjin television in China.

In 2016 Mike completed series one of Fish of the Day – a new travel/fishing show screening in prime time in 2016 on National Geographic Asia as well as Choice Television in New Zealand. The series picked up a Gold Remi at the WorldFest International Film Festival for “Best Lifestyle TV Series”. Season 4 is currently in filming.

In late 2016, Mike worked as water cinematographer in New Zealand and China on Warner Bros feature film “The Meg” featuring leads Jason Statham and Li Bing Bing. MEG was released in 2018.

To date, Mike has produced, directed and shot over 45 hours of natural history documentaries including 15 hours of prime-time documentaries for the US channels including Discovery, Animal Planet and National Geographic. His documentary work has resulted in a dozen international awards for excellence. Mike has also produced and directed programming for current affairs show 20/20 internationally.

To date, Mike has produced, directed and shot 28 films exclusively on sharks. His shark images have been seen in more than 100 films worldwide.

Mike was involved in some of the earliest testing of Ocean Guardian devices with Ian “Shark” Gordon in the early 2000s and knows first hand how well Shark Shield Technology works.

Website: https://wildfilm.tv/

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